We Are The Church
We believe the church is not somewhere you go, it’s something you are. We know that God is moving through His church, and we want you to be a part of it. There are several ways you can get involved at Grace Family Church .

Growth: Invite a friend

Groups: Join a small group

Gifts: Join a team
We have a number of ministry teams at Grace Family Church that offer you a way to serve and be served. From our weekly prayer ministry, visitation teams, and those who serve by taking care of our building and lawn care. From the worship team, to those who decorate our building, Grace Family Church offers a number of ways to serve the local church.

Giving: Give online
At Grace Family Church, we have not passed a collection plate in over 25 years. We believe that God speaks to our hearts to give and that it can be done without pressure or begging. God supplies all our needs. If you would like to give to the financial needs of Grace Family Church you can do so by placing your gift in one of our offering boxes or give online at the giving page.